Tuesday, November 07, 2023

My Open Letter to Jewish Quislings


Jewish Quislings

An Open Letter.

To Juice Voice for Peas, IfWhatWhat, Grand Rabbinic Council of Reconstructionists, NefelUK, JustJuice, JewEat? AsaJew, Juice Red Guard Corbyn Brigade, et al.

My Wretched Juvenile Quislings,

Not to worry. I will not be adulting you. I will not try to change your mind about the Gaza War. You have made your morally relavatist bed. And you will be known forever for your October 2023 choices.

Jewish civilization is a big tent. It is decentralized, and there are many contending tribes. I do not believe in excommunication; no one is authorized to serve as our civilization’s gatekeeper. 

Yet there have always been some general rules of the game. For example, if you accepted Jesus as your savior, you became a Christian. A Meshumad might be Halachically Jewish, I don’t know for sure, but they were dead to the community.

For many of you, Baptism is not an option. You are atheists, so embracing Islam or Christianity to win the acceptance of the non-Jewish world is not an alternative. You might dabble in Buddism, but that doesn’t buy you creds on the street. 

Vidkun Quisling
My Wretched Juvenile Quislings, what you want is acceptance in the woke world. You want to march with the masses who are asses. To chant, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be [Jew] Free.” You were raised and educated woke. You have little, if any, Jewish education. What precious little Jewish literacy you have emphasized the Holocaust and Tikun Olam. And either your teachers were themselves ignoramuses, or you willfully misunderstood the significance of the Shoah and the meaning of Tikun Olam.

If I threw you in a synagogue, you wouldn’t know which way to face or how to hold a prayerbook. 

Or maybe you are among those who did get a limited Jewish education and, like the apostates of medieval times, use what you know to harass your people. You recall the perfidious turncoats who incited the Christian clergy to burn Jewish books.

For most of you, however, your Jewish identity is rooted in having eaten bagels, lox, and cream cheese and – let’s not forget – having a good sense of humor.

You hook up with Islamists who would slit your throat if you landed on their turf. You somehow can accept 23 ethno-Arab states (see Arab League) and 61 Islamic states (see Organization of Islamic Cooperation) that identify as Arab or Muslim. However,  somehow, one Jewish state is too much for you. Too ethnic. Too parochial.

Your essential “Jewish” identity is rooted in the negative. What makes you Jewish, by your definition, is opposition to Israel and Israeli policies. If you get your way and Israel is destroyed, what happens then to your “identity,” you vacuous putz? Like the Wicked Witch of the East, you’ll melt away.

You say you are doing Tikun Olam. How, in your twisted, woke minds, will the world be repaired if Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PLO triumph and Israel is defeated? Have you read the PLO Charter or the Hamas Covenant? Oh, sorry. They are probably not on your Instagram feed.

Rest assured, I am not trying to sway or deprogram you. I mean only to disparage you and express my contempt, not just to you. Your parents have much to be ashamed of. They had a choice about what values to inculcate, and the outcome speaks for itself.

And don’t think you are absolved if you hide behind “bothsiderism.” Maybe suggesting that under certain circumstances, Israel might (maybe) have a right to exist, or under qualified circumstances, Israel might (maybe) have a right to (gasp) defend itself. And then taking a stance that makes survival and defense impossible. Or maybe you’ve paid lip service to the “hostages” while supporting a ceasefire to save Hamas so that it can fight another day.

Bothsiderism is the choice of ethical weaklings. It’s rooted in Obama-babble, “What is also true is that” countered by “And what is true is that”... Intellectual Yada. Yada. Yada.

And so, my wretched juvenile quisling, there ain’t no coming home. There is a right and a wrong, a good and an evil. Israel is imperfect. The Zionist enterprise is flawed. But Hamas is evil. You picked Hamas.

Besides knowing right from wrong, one of life’s most elemental lessons is not to betray your civilization. No matter how full of self-loathing or how alienated from your heritage – do not hand over your people to the enemy in their time of distress.  

You have done that. You are a 21st-century Meshumad. Don’t let the door slam your ass on the way out.






  1. Aaron1:01 PM

    Excellent posting. For those unaware, “quisling”=traitor, named for the Norwegian politician who headed the Naz-installed Norwegian government in WW II.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Thanks, Aaron for making that clear. Elliot

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Could not agree with you more! Thank you for this article!!

  3. Judy Cardozo3:03 PM

    Thank you Eliot for your brilliant rendering of this existential moment in our history.

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Excellent! Thank you!

  5. Daniel Tigner7:42 PM

    I am reading Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's book on Hillel, the 1st century great Rabbi famous for “What is hateful unto you, do not do unto your neighbor. That is the whole Torah, all the rest is commentary. Now, go and study.”
    Palestinians are neighbors, not just fellow Jews.
    Of course Israel has a right to exist and is spiritually meant to be a light of nations, but something has gone wrong and a major awakening and return to Torah values as framed by Hillel is needed. I believe that if we really begin to consciously strive to embody “What is hateful unto you, do not do unto your neighbor," then the right action will be revealed, a new beginning can unfold, Israel can be saved and become the light it is meant to be.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      As a born again believer in Yeshua 73 years old yes I am Jewish but we need more of GOD .Yeshua was born under the law lived a sinless life and taught Torah and was the fulfillment of Torah the rabbis knew it Shabbat Shalom and i pray for the peace of Jerusalem with you


I am open to running your criticism if it is not ad hominem. I prefer praise, though.